Realize Your Unlimited Potential

“The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.” – Brian Tracy

It’s true that if you have a desire to achieve anything in life, you have to realize your unlimited potential to break through what you think is impossible to what is possible.

Realize Your Unlimited Potential

It’s no doubt that every one of us has dreams and we all deserve to achieve them. But, instead of thinking about bigger picture, always focus on what is possible for you to achieve. Continue reading

The Power of Goal Setting

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

~ Tony Robbins

Goal SettingIn my opinion as a parent one of the most important job you’ve on earth is to teach your child the power of goal setting.

If you can instill this thing called goal setting in your child, then it will automatically lead them to the path of success throughout their entire life.

This success will not only limited to your child academic side, but it will also ensure your kid’s success in whatever career or business he/she is pursuing.

We should teach our children to set small reachable goals at first and then grow gradually.

Time and time again studies have shown that children who participate in setting their own goals are more motivated and self directed throughout their life.

They take things more seriously and would give their best to get the desired outcome. Continue reading

Encouraging Healthy Competition in Kids

Although children should not compete with anyone but it’s no doubt that Childhood is full of competition. We cannot escape competition by any chance.

WE should always encourage our children to become a better human being. Not to compete with anyone but to improve themselves.

Encouraging Healthy Competition among Kids

In fact, competition makes the strong stronger…it’s all about survival of the fittest as it brings the best out of our kids and making them capable of surviving in adverse conditions.
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The Power of NOW

Most of us live either in the past or in the future; it’s a fact, we either rewind to our past memories or wish for a better future.

Most importantly, we focus on what was, and how unpleasant events came to be. Or, we live in the future, indulging in wishful thinking or harboring fearful, uncertain thoughts about what might be.

Power of Now

Rarely do we focus on the present, on the ‘now’, as most of us only think of the past or future, instead of thinking about what we can do now to achieve our goals. Continue reading

The Power of the Present Moment

I once watched a movie with my children called ‘Kung Fu Panda’ and I remember a beautiful powerful saying: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and the present moment is all you have, that is why we call it a present.”

The Power of the Present Moment

The power of the present moment is rarely used, or even understood, by the vast majority of people. We must start acting in NOW, in order to produce change in our lives. Continue reading

“A-Z, The Universe in Me” Again Hits #1 Amazon Bestseller List

A big hello from Michal!!! 🙂

After returning back from Big Money Speaker Secrets Boot Camp, I’ve one more reason to smile, in fact, I’ve a great news to share with you all.

Amazon Bestseller

Last Sunday, my book “A-Z The Universe in Me” again reached #1 Amazon bestseller list. Yes, it’s true…I’m soooooooo happy.

As you know my book “A-Z The Universe in Me” is designed to help children overcome negative thoughts through positive affirmations for realizing their unlimited potential.
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Amazing Energy, Amazing People at The Big Money Speaker Secrets Boot Camp

Hello, I’m writing this blog post from Westin LAX Airport Los Angeles where I’m attending James Malinchak’s The Big Money Speaker Secrets Boot Camp.

James Malinchak

I must say, it’s the ultimate, one of world’s greatest, big money speaker training camp.

Whether you’re an aspiring or experienced author, trainer, coach, consultant, expert, entrepreneur who would like to live your passion, and make a positive difference in your life as well as others, this would be the event that you would not like to miss as here you’ll learn directly from “America’s #1 Big Money Speaker® Trainer™” James  Malinchak.
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The Power of Belief

When we believe with certainty, we figure out ways and means to achieve our goals. We never give up on our ideas or dreams. ~ Anthony Robinsthe power of belief

The power of belief simply means that whatever we believe in with conviction will become our reality. It is only when we change our belief, which is a repeated thought, can we begin to change our reality. We often hear people say, “When I see it, I’ll believe it,” but, in fact, the opposite is true. People ought to say instead, “When I believe it, I’ll see it.” For it is true that we see only when we believe in it.

Things happen for a reason. Face problems and challenges as opportunities instead of obstacles. There is a gift, a lesson in all that happens, whether it is good or bad. Continue reading

The Power of Our Words

Solomon said, “The tongue of the wise is health” (Proverbs 12:18) and “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21)

Words…They are powerful. Words have a magical power.

Our words describe our thoughts in our inner world. Words have a profound impact on our life. They have the power to create our results which are a product of our inner self talk.

Power of our words

So, we should start using supportive empowering words with ourselves and with others.
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The Power of Emotions

In our last blog post, we shed a light on the Power of Positive Self-talk. Today, let’s look at the power of emotions and how it can affect us.

Well, we can look at life as a Game… where all of us are trying to win. But, the actual winners are only those who have control over thoughts and emotions.

Power of Emotions

Our emotions are just like our source of energy, as it denotes the power within us.

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